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  • Here's how marketing, PR, and content can work together across four main areas—the PESO model—as well as where they diverge, and how to assign responsibilities where they make the most sense.

  • It's not tough to publish on social media: With a few clicks you have a post on Facebook, a tweet on Twitter, or a video on YouTube. The tough part, as you know, is getting found, viewed, read, liked, and shared—and doing it without annoying people.

  • Video can be an amazing marketing tool, yet it has a short shelf life. Luckily, it's also a dynamic asset that can be edited, tweaked, and optimized over time. Here are four ways to keep your video content current and engaging.

  • With the right strategy in place, webinars can generate high-quality leads and drastically increase revenue. But they—and you—can't do any of that if you can't get people to register and attend.

  • So frustrating: You work hard. You know your industry inside and out. You offer something nobody else does. And you take precious time to write about it in your business blog. Yet... nobody is reading.

  • Is your website plagued by conversion repellents? Here's a look at the biggest threats to your website conversions.

  • Identifying the ideal topics to curate—those most likely to engage your audience and support your content marketing strategy—is a key component of content curation.

  • Getting customers to engage is harder than ever. Yet, there's a direct relationship between engagement and revenue. The longer consumers spend time on your site, the more likely they are to buy from you.

  • In just 10 minutes, you'll learn how to create a killer content marketing plan. We'll discuss why it's so important to have a well-documented strategy in place, as well as how to identify your distinct differentiators and create a unique story that will appeal to your target audience.

  • Next time your team is drafting a new piece of visual content, ask the following four questions before you pour hours and dollars into the project.

  • Before jumping in and spending precious dollars on Facebook video ads, use these tools and tactics to create a powerful paid video campaign.

  • Inbound marketers must convert readers into customers. However, producing compelling content three or four times a week can be challenging. These four steps to creating better blog posts and articles can help.

  • Millennial consumers have particularly high expectations. Having grown up with the Web and smartphones, they're also highly visual. You need to show them that your brand is worthy of their attention.

  • You can spend hours writing a comprehensive post, or spend thousands on creating interactive or video content, but if you don't have a strategy for getting it in front of eyeballs, nobody's going to see it.

  • How can you develop a YouTube channel that stands out? It so happens that successful business channels have qualities in common that anyone can replicate. Do so, and you'll be rocking the No. 2 search engine in the world.

  • Marketers, bloggers, and small business owners have struggled with the same problem for years: how to create compelling content. Why? Because they're using the wrong process—or, worse, no process at all.

  • If you aspire to be a successful content strategist or marketer, here are nine things you should plan on learning—the sooner, the better!

  • You don't have to come up with all the ideas for content creation. You can crowdsource from those who are likely even more qualified to determine what would be valuable to your audience.

  • The people writing consumer/user-generated content are the same ones performing search queries. If you can harness their sentences, paragraphs, and ideas, you can crowdsource search optimization.

  • If you decide to fix even one of the following mistakes, you will see better results for you and your business.