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  • B2B website visitors and B2B marketers don't always see eye to eye on which characteristics, features, and content formats are most important on marketing sites, according to recent research from Orbit Media Studios and Ascend2.

  • At a time when digital content should be a priority, many marketers are finding it difficult to maintain consistent content marketing planning and production. These pointers can help.

  • The pandemic has changed everyone, including your customers. The buyer personas you created a year ago no longer apply. Here's how to adapt your messaging and content for your customers' current needs and behaviors.

  • This recent infographic explores the current audio marketing landscape and covers what has and has not changed for marketers.

  • In the era of "fake news," getting someone to trust your content is not an easy task. But customers are more prepared to trust brands and businesses than other sources. Here's how to take advantage of it.

  • Online presentations and webinars are too often dragged down by surplus information or they're cluttered with self-promotion. Nobody has time for that. Make your presentation lean and mean by taking this article's advice.

  • Did you know that Thursday is the most popular day for consuming videos from businesses? That's just one of the many interesting stats covered in this infographic from SalesIntel.

  • Author, speaker, and showrunner Jay Acunzo analyzes three clips from a Marketing Smarts podcast interview with Alan Alda and distills lessons from it that will help you to conduct better interviews and create more effective content.

  • The top areas that technology content marketers are investing in include website enhancements and content creation, according to research from MarketingProfs and the Content Marketing Institute.

  • The way you timestamp (or don't timestamp) your online content says a lot about how you think about your audience. Find out why timestamped content is so important.

  • Does your brand sometimes get lost in the shuffle? Does it warrant more attention than it's getting? Probably so. But if you're going to stand out in today's cluttered digital world, you need a new approach: the seven elements of the "Brand Now" process—designed for our crowded world. Sponsored by Widen.

  • Though they are often conflated, content marketing and thought leadership are not the same. Learn more about their differences and similarities—along with how to use both content types—in this article.

  • How exactly can you develop content that will rank well on search engine results pages? This infographic offers nine key tips for creating SEO-friendly content, including advice on researching keywords, identifying the right formats, and implementing effective internal links.

  • Writer's block, lack of creative inspiration, falling back on cliches and marketing-speak... if any of that ever happens to you, you're not alone. But by harnessing the secrets of storytelling and neuroscience, you can make any topic—even those that seem boring—interesting.

  • Did you know that users take 0.05 seconds, on average, to form an opinion about a website—and 94% of those initial impressions are related to design elements?

  • As marketers, in matters SEO we are often at the mercy of the almighty Google. But 2020 proved that it pays to be prepared, and businesses stand to better manage future crises by staying up to date on these four SEO developments.

  • The creation of targeted information—about companies, products, services, and more—has been around for generations. Collateral, sales aids, product literature, brand books... all were earlier monikers for what's now lumped into "content." It's a long-established discipline. And here's how it actually works.

  • Most business-to-consumer (B2C) content marketers say their organization made quick and effective changes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and they expect those changes to stay in effect for the foreseeable future.

  • Why do writers procrastinate? Often, they chalk it up to a lack of discipline that can be overcome with willpower. In truth, many writers procrastinate not because they're lazy but because the task feels too daunting or boring.

  • Survey-based research is a great way to generate compelling content for your brand—but only when your data is good and your reporting is trustworthy. Get it right with a simple four-step model, a set of survey best-practices, and an understanding of how to report the data. Sponsored by SurveyMonkey.