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  • Discover what your customers are actually experiencing as they travel through their journey with your brand.

  • Let's face it: your newsletter is probably completely pants. (That's British for "rubbish.") A good newsletter—one that builds an ingroup and makes readers feel part of something valuable and important—is a fantastic long-term nurture tool. Learn how to make yours better by combining some fundamental dos and don'ts with a little bit of behavioral science. (This lesson includes a worksheet listed under "Supplementary Resources.")

  • Data-Driven: A Definition

    Master Class Lesson

    For more than a decade, marketers have thrown around the term "data-driven." But what does that even mean? It's not just being a report monkey, nor is it simply iterating specific tactics based on last month's lag indicators. Kenda Macdonald breaks it all down in this quick and dirty lesson.

  • Building With Data in Mind

    Master Class Lesson

    Data, data, everywhere, but which metrics measure? From click-through rates to monetary return, discover which you should prioritize. Learn marketers' most common mistakes, what you should do instead, and the metrics that matter. (This lesson includes a worksheet listed under "Supplementary Resources.")

  • Revenue Challenges

    Master Class Lesson

    ROI is not the only way to measure. In this lesson, you'll learn about the revenue challenges that impact business in a positive way are so you can educate management on how they contribute to the financial success of your organization.

  • Understanding KPIs

    Master Class Lesson

    Relying on the number of leads generated isn't the only indicator of how your campaigns are performing. In this lesson, you'll learn more about KPIs (what it is and isn't) so you can rely on these key findings to tell you about the overall health of your business.

  • The Four Pillars of KPIs

    Master Class Lesson

    KPIs are a signal that should help inform actions. The best way to identify these signals is to group KPIs into pillars. In this lesson, you'll learn what those pillars are (Awareness, Consideration, Demand, and Advocacy) and what insights to glean from each.

  • Your customer's journey is a series of unique interactions with your brand. The touchpoints between you and your customer create their journey. See your business from your customer's point of view.

  • The idea of branding may seem old school, but a strong brand is needed to help you stand out from in the noise. In this introductory lesson, we'll talk about these challenges and you'll get an overview of the seven dynamics you'll need to stand out.

  • Your brand is more than just your logo and slogan. Everything you say and do is a part of the meaning you create in the hearts and minds of those you serve. In this lesson you'll learn how to build a strong foundation by defining your brand spark and brand promise.

  • Demand generation marketers are accountable for the entire purchase journey, from attracting interest through conversion (and even after). In this lesson, you'll learn the three critical components needed for demand gen success—behavior, life cycle marketing, and content—and how to pull them together into a demand generation automation strategy designed to achieve your goals.

  • The buyer's mind isn't a mystery. (It's true! There's research!) This lesson on buyer psychology covers what's happening in the buyer's brain during their purchase journey. Because once you understand how consumers think and what increases reward activation, you can start formulating an evidence-based demand generation approach.

  • Creating an effective content plan is all about understanding and catering to the buyer's awareness stages—unaware, problem aware, solution aware, product aware, and most aware. This lesson digs into each awareness stage and how to use them when planning your attract and engage content. (This lesson includes a worksheet listed under "Supplementary Resources.")

  • Sales Pipelines

    Master Class Lesson

    Marketers too often think of sales pipelines as some kind of secret outbound magic squirreled away by the Sales team. But it shouldn't be that way. This lesson covers how demand gen marketers can provide the tools and structure to make the Sales' processes more automated and effective, so Sales can do what they do best—build the 1:1 relationships that close deals.

  • Demand generation doesn't end with conversion. Boosting customer happiness after the sale is equally important if you want to eliminate buyer's remorse and increase adoption, delight, loyalty, and, ultimately, customer lifetime value (CLV). This lesson on customer onboarding covers two vital parts of that equation best driven by good demand generation marketing: new customer welcome campaigns and ongoing, post-purchase nurturing.

  • Demand generation marketers must support the sales process, including activities often overlooked after the contract is signed. Learn how to combine your automation expertise with upsells, cross-sells, and down sells to generate more marketing-attributed revenue.

  • If you think of progressive profiling as gathering new demographic data collected using signup forms, you're only partially correct. This lesson covers how to use modern, effective progressive profiling rooted in psychographics, not just demographics, so you're tracking how your consumers speak to you through their behavior.

  • This "Put it to Work" session takes you into the nuts and bolts of creating messages that work and getting your campaigns running with perfect timing toward your destination—conversions. While this lesson walks you through the process using Hubspot, you do not need to use Hubspot as your automation platform to benefit from this lesson; most MAPs work similarly. (This lesson includes templates listed under "Supplementary Resources.")

  • The true power of doing research is not just in the data that you collect but in all of the different ways you can repurpose that data to help your audience and grow your brand recognition and authority.

  • Getting Survey Responses

    Master Class Lesson

    Learn the Pros and Cons of three basic ways you can get people to answer your survey: asking your audience, forming a partnership, and using a panel. When you understand the difference between B2B and B2C responses, you can decide the best path forward for your survey.