This year, big brands might hit a roadblock when targeting Valentine's Day consumers. Roses and romance are fast becoming a thing of the past for Valentine's Day.

The national day of love has morphed into a celebration not solely focused on significant others, according to an Influence Central-based survey of 600+ women.

Some 70% of survey respondents are surrendering one-on-one, husband-and-wife time for family and friends.

The essence of Valentine's Day has transitioned, as people focus more on overall appreciation of loved ones rather than romance. In fact, less than 50% of the women surveyed feel that the holiday represents romance anymore.

And special "alone time" is now for family bonding: 79% say they'll celebrate Valentine's Day with their kids, and 62% say they'll have Valentine's Day dinner at home.

So, what are consumer trends this national day of love?

Advertisers have their eye on children: 69% of female consumers anticipate buying a gift for their kids. Moreover, 56% say their family's biggest expenditure will be gifts for children.

Spending will also be down in 2015.

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Forget Romance: 2015 Valentine's Day Shopping Trends Toward Family and Friends

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image of Stacy DeBroff

Stacy DeBroff is founder and CEO of Influence Central. A social media strategist, attorney, author, and speaker, she consults with brands on consumer and social media trends. Reach her via

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Twitter: @stacydebroff