The Smart Marketers Tour 2012 kicked off last night at the Seattle Art Museum.

Underneath the twinkling lights of an installation piece by Cai Guo-Qiang, smart marketers from around the United States gathered to swap stories, share marketing smarts, and get an inside look at what it takes to record a Marketing Smarts podcast.

Putting together such an evening is a lot of work---but a lot of fun, too. Want a glimpse of what it's like to put on a Smart Marketers road show?

Here's a quick, fun video of the MarketingProfs team preparing for our first Smart Marketers Tour show.

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Smart Marketers in Seattle: Highlights From MarketingProfs' Road Show

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image of Verónica Jarski

Veronica Jarski is managing editor at Agorapulse and a former editor and senior writer at MarketingProfs.

Twitter: @Veronica_Jarski

LinkedIn: Veronica Jarski