Welcome to the first week of 2012! The gyms are overflowing, the produce section is sold out, and New Year's resolution season is in full swing. Because resolutions aren't limited to diet/fitness goals we will never maintain, I asked around the MarketingProfs virtual office to see what my coworkers' marketing-related resolutions were for the new year.
Megan Cordero leads up our production team, so it comes as no surprise that her goal is deadline-related:
"In the new year, I'd like to renew our commitment to using Basecamp to organize our projects and to using the deadlines as they are intended, not as suggested completion dates!"
Resident Queen of Content, Ann Handley has a goal for our team ... and yours:
"Resolve to care about content first, because everything else will follow. (Which isn't to say it'll follow without effort, but it'll give you a great foundation for your marketing.)"
Anne Yastremski is the head of our marketing team and has a goal we are all excited about:
"More experimentation and testing in 2012."
Marketing Smarts podcast host and managing editor, Matt Grant is never short on humor:
"To make Marketing Smarts better---better to where we're getting pitched by Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, and everybody else because they want to be on the show so damn bad!"
No matter your role, we should all resolve to grow as marketers in 2012. Don't worry---MarketingProfs will be there to help every step of the way!
What's one of your marketing-related goals for 2012?