To compete effectively, professional firms need to ensure that marketing and sales are integrated into every function. But there are two big barriers getting in their way: how firms are structured and their existing culture, including the way they define the scope of marketing and sales.
Figuring out what the barriers are is the obvious first step. Do you know which structural and cultural barriers exist at your firm? Do you know how they're causing significant marketing and business development disconnects? Here's a shortcut to get you started:
Instant Feedback
In conjunction with The Integration Imperative, I created two short web-based tests that help firms anonymously assess their structural and cultural barriers. I'm challenging readers to take the assessments and give me their thoughts on the results. You can let me know as an anonymous comment, email me, or, if you want to share and you have a blog, you can blog about it and send me the link. If you're amenable, I'll link to your blog or website in a follow-up post here on the Daily Fix.
How will your firm benefit if you complete these tests? Professional firms are challenged by the complexity of their marketing and business development silos. It's hard to know where to start in the quest for marketplace effectiveness! Our research revealed a number of distinct organizational barriers that exists in professional firms, regardless of sector, size, or marketplace lifecycle. Your answers in each test will help your firm identify the exact areas to address in building a more productive, integrated marketing and business development engine.
Take the Assessment Challenge
Click the links below to take the assessments. And hey, it's fine if you decide don't want to share your thoughts after you take the tests. But I hope you do!
Assess Your Firm's Structural Barriers to Marketing and Business Development Integration
Assess Your Firm's Cultural Barriers to Marketing and Business Development Integration
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