Remember my recent post about having social media rejection syndrome? Well, did I ever learn a lot! It seems that most of the people who commented here at the Daily Fix, and in my LinkedIn discussion groups, use this social networking tool similarly. And, it's not what I had anticipated. I decided to compile the results and share them with you.

It appears that I am in the minority of those who responded. (Now, I'm really getting a complex!) If you're staying on top of social media, and using these channels to market your products or services, you'll want to see this compilation of comments. It was certainly revealing to me. Who knew?
Maybe you'll agree with what has been said, or maybe you see things differently. Either way, here's the link to the white paper.
Now, to continue the discussion... if we assume that most people will only connect to the people they know, where does that leave marketers? How are you using LinkedIn as part of your social media strategy? Is it working? Got any good examples?

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People Are Really Using LinkedIn Differently Than Other Social Media Sites!

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image of Elaine Fogel

Elaine Fogel is president and CMO of Solutions Marketing & Consulting LLC, and a marketing and branding thought leader, speaker, writer, and MarketingProfs contributor. She is the author of the Beyond Your Logo: 7 Brand Ideas That Matter Most for Small Business Success.

LinkedIn: Elaine Fogel

Twitter: @Elaine_Fogel