There's been a whole lot written about why calling an online video "viral" doesn't make it such–Scott Monty did an excellent take on it a few weeks back. But what I wanted to point out here is that those videos that do go "viral" often aren't what the ad industry's narrow aesthetic would define as "good."
Or to put it another way, as a former boss of mine told me when I was first starting out: "There's a reason America's Funniest Home Videos is a top 10 show."
Hence the proliferation of shocked rodents, sneezing ursines, adorable human babies and other lowbrow highlights. And that really clever ad-like video that shows off your product? Well, chances are, no one's going to want to pass it along. Why? Because while it's a really clever product demonstration and all– no one cares.
It's the whole Prom King Brand thing. People don't really want to hear from low interest brands unless someone's screaming bloody murder (e.g. Whopper Freakout) or cute animals are doing something extra adorable. I mean they'll watch it if it's dropped in front of them during a TV show, but only ad geeks are going to be passing on a really clever Wisk laundry detergent demo to their friends. Even if it's shot on a hand held camera and features funny audience reaction shots.
Caveat emptor.
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