So we had or annual "looking forward" meeting last month and you never know what the principals might have in store (besides the beer and wine, of course). This year was no different as we were presented with "Tequila Shots .... Brains on Fire style," which is a small bound book outlining our goals and vision as a company peppered with inspirational quotes from our own. My favorite?

"What's under your fingernails? The work you do, if it truly matters, becomes a part of you. Like the mechanic who never really loses the oil stains under his fingernails, our work stays with us wherever we go. It becomes a part of our language and our very being. That is not to say work is everything, but if your work is your calling and not just a job, you will embrace it in everything you do."
When you get in there and get your hands (and nails) dirty, you're making it personal. And in this age of marketing clutter, if you DON'T make it personal then customers and employees will see right through your marketing efforts. This is why genuine insight is critical.
Gone are the ivory towers. Gone are the focus groups. And gone are the times when you make decisions for your customers. Instead, it is about getting face-to-face with people, looking them in the eye and having a brutally honest conversation in which you do the majority of the listening instead of the majority of the talking.
It is the difference between tactics and something sustainable. And it's why throwing a blog or an online community at a problem won't work without a big picture based on deep Insight.
So what's under your fingernails? Mine? Kayaks and running shoes and scrapbook supplies and teen anti-tobacco passions and Ultimate Driving Machines. And that's just the tip of the cuticle.

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Spike Jones

Brains on Fire

Spike Jones hails from the Lone Star state, where they brainwash you at an early age to take pride in who you are and where you're from (and they sure got a hold of him). After graduating from Baylor University with a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, he bounced around the country and finally landed in the Southeast over at the naming and identity company of Brains on Fire (

He began his career there as a copywriter, crafting compelling stories for national and international clients. And while Spike still enjoys wordsmithing, he is now involved on the creative strategy side of the business from insight to the creation of word of mouth movements to building regional and national identities for companies across many industries. Brands he’s helped strengthen include BMW, Rawlings Sporting Goods, Dagger Kayaks, Don Pablo’s Mexican Restaurants, Fiskars Brands, Yakima, Perception Kayaks and Rage Against the Haze (South Carolina’s youth-led anti-tobacco movement).

Spike has been a speaker at national and local events and is the main contributor to the Brains on Fire group blog (, which discusses current naming, identity and word of mouth issues and trends. It is also among the top read and resourced blogs in the marketing industry

When he’s not around his favorite people in the world (his fellow Brains on Fire-mates) or traveling around the country, you can find Spike out for a run flanked by his 100 lb. Chocolate lab, Mud.

Contact info:
Brains on Fire
148 River Street, Suite 100
Greenville, SC 29601

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