"Recovery" and "rehab" seem to be theme of the week around year. Time was when blogholism was all the digitally addicted had to struggle with. But that was a dog's year ago. Now, there's Twitterholics, Second Life Obsessives, Facebook Fanatics. And it goes on.
To that end, the Staff at the Invitations Social Networking Recovery Facility has released a new Public Service Announcement about the perils of Twitter. But the warning applies to any of you who have difficulty maintaining perspective with emerging bright and shiny online tools.
From the brilliant Jeffrey Sass.
And for those of you deep in recovery, considering using your precious minutes of allotted rehab time online to do a special turn for someone. Jeff Pulver suggests Five Things to Do on Facebook to Brighten Up Someone's Day.
And finally, Steve Rubel offers five ideas to firmly place the bigger picture in mind in Five Simple Sobriety Steps for Web 2.0 Kool Aid Boozers. My favorite is #5: "Talk to Real Humans. –Do your sister or brother's friends Twitter? Probably not. Now that doesn't make it unimportant. Why? Because they all Google. Talk to both humans and geeks for broader perspective."
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