Here's what's happening within the Daily Fix community these days....
Soon to be Daily Fix contributor Tim Jackson, brand manager for Vista, Ca.-based Masi Bicycles, was featured .... with a great photo of him on his bike -- in the 9/27 issue of the NY Times in a piece ("Blogging the Hand That Feeds You") about how corporations are increasingly embracing blogging employees rather than persecuting them. The masterful Jeff Jarvis puts Jackson's MasiGuy blog (and others like it) in perspective with this quote, "From a company's perspective, if you're not part of that conversation, you're missing out."
Christina Kerley is pushing the limts of our very delicate Moveable Type blog publishing system by requiring that we include her parenthetical signature (CK) to her name on the home page, but we are still pleased as punch to have her joining our chatty ranks.
Marketing Champions, the book representing the collaborative efforts (and collective blood, sweat and tears) of MarketingProfs own Allen Weiss and Roy Young debuted in bookstores last week. A few of us staffers stumbled across the tome at the brand-new Borders in the brand-new Westfield San Francisco Centre mall. Don't we look thrilled to find it on the shelf in the business aisle? (L-R: Managing Editor Val Frazee, me and Marketing Director Sharon Hudson)
What's more: Roy and the book's sole non-MProfs author, Dave Stewart, fielded 10 questions from me in this week's MarketingProfs newsletter about dispelling myths, winning respect, and what an author does with his 10 free copies of his book (after he sniffs the pages). Read the article here.
William Arruda is furiously finishing the manuscript of his personal branding book, due to the publisher November 1. He's also preparing an online seminar for MarketingProfs .... watch for announcement about his late-November seminar soon.
My old friend Gerry McGovern is presenting a double-header of online seminars for MarketingProfs. The first, held December 6 at noon, EST, is Killer Web Content: Make the sale. Deliver the service. Build the brand. 'Nuf said. Actually, I added the "'nuf said"–but it fits. (Question for Gerry: Have you trademarked the phrase "killer content" yet?)
The second seminar, Best Practices in Web Content for E-Commerce, takes place the following day, December 7, also at noon. If you've read his latest rant here on the Daily Fix, you know that Gerry takes his e-commerce functionality seriously, and holds commerce sites to a wonderfully high standard.
David Armano's Logic+Emotion blog picked up a nice mention this week in Bruce Nussbaum's BusinessWeek column. Also this week, David's blog was featured as Typepad's blog of the day. Such nice props follow his being named one of BW's "Four Sources" of trends and ideas. I'd include a direct quote from David here, but he tells me I need to speak with his agent. (Kidding, DA!)
Karl Long received an early birthday present in the form of a job offer from Nokia. Karl packed all the belongings he could fit into his little red mini and is currently trekking the 3,000 miles from Florida to San Francisco. Waiting for him is one cool job: working in the video game group, to extend and integrate mobile gaming through the Web, social media and multimedia. (Oh, and his birthday is Sunday.)
Debbie Weil's recently published The Corporate Blogging Book is getting a nice reception in both the mainstream and trade press. AP, NY Times, ClickZ: read all about it here.
BL Ochman is recovering after last week's emergency eye surgery for a detached retina. She urges: Get your eyes checked regularly!
FODF (Friend of the Daily Fix) Paul McEnany has a new gig blogging at ad blog Beyond Madison Avenue. The staff at BMA has been inconsolate since the The Viral Garden's Mack Collier scaled back his duties there, but my guess is they are holding their chins a little higher again.
And finally–the Daily Fix has inched up to the #6 spot (from #7) in The Viral Garden's list of the Top 25 Marketing Blogs. The pitch gets steeper closer to the summit, but we're happy to just be walking the walk.
So what's going on in your world? Whether you're a Friend or a Contributor, post your news below!
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