You've seen them before and you'll see them again. The boo-boos. The spelling errors. The simple typos that could have been avoided had someone taken the time to use spellcheck or proofed their writing one more time....
I keep a file of marketing boo-boos. Not because I like to wallow in someone else's misery, but because I know I'll use those examples one day in one of my workshops.
We've all seen them. Heck, I'm sure we've all made them, too. We're human. But, that's the point. The computer isn't human and is programmed to catch most of our errors. So, how come so many people don't use the easiest and best business tool going?
How's this for a marketing e-mail subject line?
[company name]-Your Sorce for Promotional Products and Gifts
How's this subhead that appeared in an online article on a major site:
Adapted from an article publlished on [name of publication]
How about this customized message to me from a business associate?
I've learned.... Beverly, YOU ARE MY FRIEND AND I AM HONORED!
Thank you for taking time to meet with me today. You are AWESOME!!!!!!
Only problem name's not Beverly!
Oh, and get a load of this automated e-mail confirmation from a print publication:
You will be receiving a e-mail conformation.
I could go on, but you get the point. Using a simple spellchecker, available in most software, may not catch every single error or typo, but it sure can cut down on them. Reading what you write - a couple of times - also helps reduce your faux-pas.
Now, you may ask...why is it important? Because it speaks to your credibility, your professionalism...your brand, whether it's your company's brand or your personal brand.
So, turn on that editor and make sure you've got it write. (Just kidding.) : )
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