Google, Facebook, Bing, Twitter: All the major search and social media platforms use algorithms, but they don't tell us how those algorithms work. It's devolved into an increasingly frenetic dance: they change all the time and we continue to chase them, trying to show up in feeds, rank higher, and get shared.
In this PRO seminar, we'll show you how to target the human algorithm in online marketing—otherwise known as our "distance from perfect." You'll learn how to stop chasing elusive goals, and instead focus on the more predictable, reliable needs of humans operating online. You'll come away with the tools to respond to big algorithm changes that don't rely on guesswork.

Ian Lurie is the founder and CEO of Portent Inc., an Internet marketing agency founded in 1995 that provides digital marketing services, including search, social, and analytics. For the book Web Marketing All-In-One for Dummies (2nd ed.), he wrote sections on SEO, blogging, social media, and Web analytics.
Twitter: @portentint
LinkedIn: Ian Lurie