People often laugh when they hear the phrase "crappy first draft," but it's a liberating concept and a key tool for most professional writers. A crappy first draft will not only help you write faster, but it'll also give you time to improve the quality of your writing. (This is because no one writes a great first draft—not even Ann Handley or Seth Godin.) The best writing always comes from editing, and the sooner you write your first draft, the sooner you'll be able to edit it.
In this PRO seminar, we'll take a closer look at some of the benefits of crappy first drafts, including how they make you feel better about yourself, allow you to use momentum, and help with planning. You'll leave with an understanding of why you shouldn't be ashamed of a crappy first draft, but rather how to embrace the idea and write faster, better, and more fluently.

Daphne Gray-Grant, a former journalist, is a writing and editing coach with an international practice. She offers a free weekly e-zine called Power Writing. For more information, visit www.publicationcoach.com.