One of the hardest parts about marketing is getting people to pay attention. You write copy for landing pages, you pump out videos, and you're telling stories all over social media. Yet, you're not entirely sure who's listening. Imagine if you could create content that generated enough loyalty for your customers to follow you anywhere... including across platforms?
In this Teach Me How seminar, discover the magic to storytelling in a digital world that inspires people to take action across channels. You'll learn five secrets that the most successful brands use to create cohesive narratives and how to tell stories that shift your content from noisy to necessary. You'll leave ready to create seamless, connected tales that inspire your audience to follow your trail to greater engagement and more conversions.

Carla Johnson is a world-renowned storyteller, an entertaining speaker, and a prolific author of ten books, including her latest: RE:Think Innovation. Consistently named one of the top influencers in her field, her visionary expertise has inspired and equipped leaders at all levels to embrace change, welcome new ideas, and transform their businesses.