What dangers and advantages are brought about by branding in a global marketplace?
Answer: The advantages of branding in a global marketplace are essentially the same as the advantages of branding in general. But the risks of global branding (where the positioning, advertising, and brand personality, name, etc. are the same in various countries) primarily lie in the areas of customer acceptance and organizational structures and processes to support the global brand. As to the first, if a common brand name is used throughout the world, it may not mean much to people in different cultures or it may even alienate people in different cultures. So companies have to take extraordinary care to make sure the brand name is chosen correctly. Advertising needs to be throught through as well since a common ad will typically not work in several countries. These are simply the cultural issues that must be fully explored before launching a global brand. But as important (and this is a point we typically bring up in case discussions in business school) is that various country managers may oppose having a common brand name. The organizational processes may actually work against a common brand name. So, companies that want to do global branding typically have significant issues that must be resolved around incentives, structures and company processes. |
More resources related to Branding and Positioning
Lawson Abinanti, B2B marketing and messaging strategy consultant, offers tips for positioning a B2B brand, and urges marketers to be "ruthless" by focusing on ideal buyers instead of diverting resources to one-off sales.
Too many executives pursue a branding campaign when it is positioning that is required.
With the right strategy in place, webinars can generate high-quality leads and drastically increase revenue. But they—and you—can't do any of that if you can't get people to register and attend.
Everyone has a website stuffed with content ranging from the important to the useless. But marketing initiatives aimed at a highly targeted audience require their own space and identity if they are to succeed. When you use the Web as your vehicle for your campaign, the obvious solution is a video-campaign microsite.
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