Trade Show Strategies:  Ways to Get Bigger Bang from Your Marketing Buck

U.S. businesses spend somewhere around 18% of their marketing budgets — $21 billion annually in aggregate — on trade show marketing. Marketers often justify the expense with rationales like "We do it every year," and "Our competitors are doing it." Most companies have no idea what value they are getting for that investment.

Worse, many marketers tend to think of trade show marketing in merely tactical terms. Certainly there are a lot of moving parts involved; the logistics can be overwhelming. But for best results, trade shows also need to be considered strategically, as part of an integrated go-to-market plan. When it's soaking up nearly a quarter of your budget, you had better be thinking way bigger about this important element in the business marketing toolkit.

Using examples from HP, Northrup-Gruman, King Industries and others, this seminar will help you understand ways to get the most value from trade show marketing.

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