Brand building, like building anything, starts with a plan. Just as an architectural blueprint defines structure through design and dimensions, a brand blueprint defines your brand and how you tell its story. Like the girders of a skyscraper, a brand isn't always visible, but it's the framework that supports your strategy.
In just 10 minutes, we'll show you how to build a five-part blueprint you can use to grow your brand's presence on any budget. You'll leave with actionable steps to create a clear and consistent brand experience across all channels.
Nick Westergaard is a strategist, speaker, author, educator, Brand Consulting Practice Lead at MarketingProfs, and founder of Brand Driven Digital. He's spent his career building standout brands at organizations of all sizes—from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies to President Obama's Jobs Council. He's the author of the books Brand Now and Get Scrappy, a contributor to the Harvard Business Review, host of the popular On Brand podcast, a TEDx speaker coach, and a lecturer at the University of Iowa's Tippie College of Business.