5 Steps to Transforming Omnichannel: From Cliché Buzzword to Robust, Full-Funnel Marketing Success

Marketing budgets across every industry are being cut to combat economic uncertainties.

But smaller marketing budgets means decreased visibility, which puts sales at risk, lowers brand awareness, and gives an advantage to your competitors.

Consumers are still going to consume. And businesses that increase their marketing during a recession do better in the long term. So is decreasing your marketing budget really the right move?

In this free report, you'll get five steps to build a robust, full-funnel omnichannel marketing campaign so you can consistently reach your customers where they are—and make up to 9.5% more in sales—in any economy.

Download now to discover:

  • How to improve your digital marketing campaigns with offline marketing
  • The most important (but often forgotten) technology to look for when vetting marketing partners
  • Why up to 80% of customers choose to buy from one brand over another—and how to target them with the information you may already have
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  • Release Date: September 11, 2023
  • Sponsor: Vericast
  • Topic: Advertising & Promotions, Demand Generation, Marketing Strategy
  • Price: $0


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Vericast is reimagining marketing solutions one business-to-human connection at a time. By influencing how over 120 million households eat, shop, buy, save, and borrow, Vericast directly accelerates revenue potential for thousands of brands and businesses. While its award-winning portfolio of solutions is part of the Vericast story, its trailblazing people are the true differentiators.