Virtual events have become a fixture in how we socialize, do business, and network. But when it comes to online events, the most successful ones are those that offer the right type of event to the right audience at the right time.
So what are decision makers doing to make their virtual events successful? And where are they struggling?
In a study commissioned by Airmeet, Forrester Consulting surveyed 165 virtual events decision makers in North America about their organizations’ virtual events strategies, goals, and challenges.
Download this free report now and discover what they had to say... Plus, why there's no time to waste when it comes to putting the right people, partners, and technology in place before your next event.
You'll learn:
- What you need to make your next virtual event a success
- How to get prospects to your event at the right point in their customer journey
- The top barriers to event success
Airmeet is the fastest-growing platform for hosting a rich variety of virtual and hybrid events. From Hackathons to ice-breakers, panel discussions to workshops, Airmeet’s intuitive experience delivers on organizers' expectations for a wide range of events.