Marketers today need to weigh their options for retargeting campaigns: Do you keep campaigns in-house and retain all control, or do you put them in the hands of a third-party vendor and risk losing control over specifically how your ad dollars are being used?
Many marketers choose the latter option for the efficiency and expertise that vendors can bring to retargeting.
If you're working with a third-party provider for retargeting—or if you're thinking of starting to—the six questions the team at Nanigans put together in the following infographic can help ensure your ad budget is being spent to yield optimal results.
The six questions suggested by the performance advertising software company are...
- What percentage of my daily ad budget is being spent directly on media?
- How do you measure the incremental revenue that resulted from my retargeting campaigns?
- Can I see a list of the websites my ads are running on to see how efficient my spend is by the publisher?
- What's the breakdown of my ad spend by product?
- Can I see the demographic information of the consumers I'm targeting?
- Which ad sizes and creatives have been most effective?