Now that we're solidly into 2018 (except when writing checks, of course, in which case we'll all be writing "2017" well into November), what can we expect in online advertising trends this year?
The team at Adzooma created an interactive infographic that shares the firm's predictions.
To start with, 2017 was already a record year: For the first time, more money was spent on online advertising than on television advertising. That trend is expected to continue in 2018.
You can click around the wheel in the infographic to see information on other digital ad topics, including Adzooma's top predictions, among them the following:
- Growth in voice search
- Improved audience targeting
- Advancements in pay-per-click traffic
- Increased use of images and video in ads
To view details on each of those and other trends, as well as ways your business can keep up, just click on the graphic: