"With 75 million daily users, [Instagram] is fast becoming the social platform to have a presence on," states today's infographic by MakeAWebsiteHub.com. The graphic then offers 10 tips for encouraging Instagram users to follow your brand, including these:
• Use hashtags: Be specific, the graphic advises, such as opting for #beagle over simply the generic #dog.
• Know your filters: Nearly half of all images on Instagram have no filter applied to them. The filters that garner the most likes are Willow, Normal, and Toaster.
• Caption your photos: A good caption can turn a photo that's just OK into one that resonates with people.
• Think about when you post... but don't overthink it: Although people tend to watch videos outside of work hours, and the peak time for brands to post is 2-3 PM, overall photo effectiveness is consistent no matter the time of the day you post.
Check out the infographic for all 10 tips that will boost your Instagram game. Just tap or click to see a larger version.