What have Millennials been up to lately? Brands are eager to know, and agency Internet Marketing Inc. has released an infographic that helps companies keep up with Millennial trends.
First, who are the roughly 80 million Millennials in the US? The infographic defines them as people born between the years 1980 and 2000, and it says they spend approximately $600 billion per year—a figure that is expected to grow to $1.4 trillion by 2020.
For brands that want in on that Millennial action, it helps to know how this group shops. The infographic compares generational buying habits and points out that Millennials outspend other groups by $80 per month on coffee. It also says 60% of Millennials rate products and services online, compared with 49% of other generations.
The infographic explains that Millennials can be extremely loyal to brands they like, and it gives tips for harnessing that loyalty.