Mobile devices are rapidly becoming consumers' go-to tool for all their shopping needs. Is your website optimized to handle these online shoppers—or are they going to leave your business behind?

Some 52% of smartphone and tablet users say that a bad mobile experience makes them less likely to do business with a company, according to the following DirectBuy infographic.

"Smartphone and tablet users are 5X more likely to abandon a task, including shopping, if the site isn't mobile-optimized," states DirectBuy.

Moreover, "by 2020, user experience will surpass pricing and product as the main differentiator between brands," suggests DirectBuy, citing findings by customer intelligence consulting firm Walker.

To find out more about the move toward mobile, click or tap on the infographic.

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Moving Toward Mobile: The Future of Shopping Is on the Small Screen [Infographic]

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image of Verónica Jarski

Veronica Jarski is managing editor at Agorapulse and a former editor and senior writer at MarketingProfs.

Twitter: @Veronica_Jarski

LinkedIn: Veronica Jarski