About 25 million meetings take place every day in the US. And most of them are dull time-sucks.
"More than $37 billion a year is spent on unproductive meetings," according to Fuze in the following infographic.
Think about the last meeting you had. Was it a short, focused exchange of ideas and plans? If not, check out the infographic's tips for productive meetings.
First, consider whether you need a meeting. "Explore options requiring less time from co-workers," suggests Fuze. "Who really needs to be there? Be clear about required and optional participants."
In preparation for the meeting, come up with an agenda. Having one will help you and other participants stay focused and engaged. "Send materials in advance, and capture action items," states Fuze.
To find out more about the cost and cause of unproductive meetings as well as tips to productive ones, tap or click on the infographic: