Featuring parties, candies, and opportunities for dressing up, Halloween is more than just a children's holiday. Adults also want to join in the fun.
Some 32.8% of adults are already shopping for Halloween before September 30, according to the following HalloweenCostumes.com infographic. A total of 43.6% of surveyed adults are Halloween shopping the first two weeks of October. And 23.6% of people wait until the final two weeks of October.
Halloween shopping involves costumes, which some folks are using social media to plan. Some 32.9% of people get costume ideas from online resources: 14.1% use Facebook for inspiration; 9.3% get costume ideas from Pinterest.
And how much are Americans spending on Halloween costumes? Adults are spending $1.22 billion dollars, compared with the $1.04 billion for kids and $339 million for pets.
To find out more about what folks are buying, viewing, and dressing up as for Halloween, check out the following infographic: