It's all here: great uses for Vine, promos via Tumblr, and hashtags on Twitter. Hashtags on Facebook. More targeted Twitter ads. YouTube's record-breaking traffic. Yammer for SharePoint. Social warfare with Shakespeare-worthy love. And the answer to the age-old question: Is Gangnam Style really better than the Harlem Shake? Skim to get your wiggle on.

Rapping for real talk. We know you're tired of SXSW, but we couldn't help sharing the awesome way the disruptive conference is sharing its keynote talks: through rap videos. Below, the recap for Elon Musk:

YouTube hits the 1B mark. Speaking of video, here's some clarity on just how dominant YouTube is in the market: with help from smartphones, it's managed to pass one billion unique monthly users each month, challenging Facebook as the Internet's largest social network. (Facebook hit the 1B-average mark last October.) "Nearly one out of every two people on the internet visits YouTube," Google boasts, making it a hotspot for major brands and uppity startups alike.

Tumbling for the box office. To promote "Monsters Academy," Pixar launched a Tumblr called The Grumblr. It's loaded with self-referential jokes, exclusive movie scenes, video clips, and—most important—GIFs galore. Each publication averages about 100 user responses: Likes, reblogs, etc. (Hat tip to @JeffKwiatek.)

For the love of Laura Ellen. Laura Ellen tweeted about loving chocolate so much that she's "following both @KITKAT and @Oreo" on Twitter. What she didn't expect was how the two brands would fight for her conflicting affections. We love how @KITKAT made this a game, and how @Oreo showed that being competitive doesn't mean you can't love your rival. This is social branding, free of legalese and PR-speak, at its finest.

Equal Tweetvertising for all. Small, self-serve advertisers now have access to the same "advanced" dashboard that big spenders have on Twitter. If you're a Twitter-based advertiser, log on to your account and click on "Switch to Advanced," which reflects more granular targeting options by gender, device/platform, interest, or users with the same interests as a certain users or users.

Three ways to advertise on Twitter. Twitter's one of the toughest social networks to grasp for promotions. That's why Jeff Bullas compiled three case studies that teach you how to advertise on Twitter, applying its most powerful assets: promoted tweets, promoted accounts, and promoted trends (and including handy hashtag examples). Swipe simple-to-follow lessons from brands like LG, Hubspot, and Airbnb. And for another great case study, check out this Twitter-based zombie attack for "Walking Dead". Because even zombies track hashtags.

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Uses for Vine, Tumblr, and Hashtags; Twitter Ads; Social Warfare; and More... The Week in Social Media #SocialSkim

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image of Angela Natividad
Angela Natividad is a social media strategist, copywriter, and journalist based in Paris. A Bay Area native and lover of vending machine candies, she co-founded and is a frequent guest on marketing podcast The Beancast. You can follow her on Twitter at @luckthelady.