If Big Data were personified, it'd be a kid. As anyone who has children or works with them knows, kids love to ask questions. Likewise, Big Data seems to be asking questions all the time.
In the following infographic, Infochimps playfully compares the questions of children to those of Big Data.
For example, Big Data's question, "Where do leads come from? Posts/comments, tweets, liikes, links, images, videos, texts, blogs, etc.?" has its equivalent in the common kid question, "Where do babies come from?"
And when Big Data asks, "What level of impression repetition is optimum for positive brand recall?" it's as if a kid is asking, "How many times do I have to ask the same question before they change their answer to yes?"
Also, if you've ever asked yourself, "How can I better understand user search behavior to improve service, identify trends, and predict behavior?" then you are an adult version of the kid asking, "Based on what I know of my parents, what can I do to best improve my chances of getting the presents I want this year?"
For more fun comparisons between kids' common questions and the top marketing and advertising questions for 2013, check out this infographic: