B2B salespeople and marketers have very different views on what share of leads are followed up on, according to recent research from the Marketing Advisory Network.
The report was based on data from a survey of 123 marketers and salespeople who work for B2B companies in a wide range of industries.
Less than 20% of Marketing respondents say Sales follows up on 95%+ of the leads delivered by Marketing.
However, Sales respondents say they are doing a much better job.
Some 50% of salespeople surveyed say 95%+ of the leads they receive from Marketing are followed up on.

When it comes to Marketing supporting Sales efforts, B2B marketers are pretty hard on themselves.
Just 20% of marketers fully agree that they do a superb job of supporting Sales, whereas 51% of salespeople fully agree that Marketing does a superb supporting Sales.

Some 58% of B2B salespeople say they are rewarded for supporting their company's marketing efforts, whereas only 18% of B2B marketers say their Sales team is rewarded for supporting Marketing.

About the research: The report was based on data from a survey of 123 marketers and salespeople who work for B2B companies in a wide range of industries.