Most marketers in the US say they think that revenue will increase through the rest of 2016 and that the marketing function is growing in influence within their organization, according to a recent report from the American Marketing Association (AMA) and Millward Brown Vermeer.
The report was based on data from a survey conducted in May 2016 of 1,028 marketing professionals based in the United States who work in a wide range of industries.
The Marketers Confidence Index, an indicator of overall optimism/pessimism about the future business climate, stood at 123 at the end of 2Q16, up slightly from 121 in 1Q16; a level of 100 in the index represents neutral sentiment.
Some 53% of respondents say they expect revenue growth in the second half of the year, 40% believe consumer spending will increase, and 61% say the investment climate is good.