Which types of information do B2B technology buyers value most at different stages of the purchase funnel? Do buyers of different ages prefer different content formats and sales approaches?
To find out, Arketi surveyed 262 business technology buyers from three generations: Baby Boomer (31% of respondents), Generation X (30%), and Millennial (30%). Respondents were polled on how much they use different types of information while undertaking enterprise technology purchases of $10,000 or more.
Below, key findings from the report on the most used information types at the top of the purchase funnel (awareness), middle (research), and bottom (decision-making).
Top of the Funnel
B2B tech buyers of all three generations say they are most influenced by industry analysts at the earliest stage of the purchase process (41% of Baby Boomers rely on analysts; 31% of Gen Xers; 29% of Millennials).
Baby Boomers are more likely to turn to online communities/forums for information at the top of the buyer funnel than are their younger colleagues.