Do people in some places send more positive tweets compared with people in other places? Are men or women more likely to tweet about being happy? What topics are people most likely to send cheerful tweets about?
Brandwatch recently set out to answer those questions by examining hundreds of thousands of tweets sent between November 2013 and November 2014. The researchers used the Brandwatch analytics platform to look for tweets containing certain emotional phrases, such as "good day," "bad day," "love life," and "hate life." The results were then broken down by location, gender, and keywords that might indicate topic (such as "family," "work," "money," etc).
Below, key findings from the report.
Georgia residents have the highest ratio of "good day" to "bad day" mentions of any US state (i.e., they use the phrase "good day" in tweets much more often compared with "bad day"); Delaware has the lowest ratio.
Denver has the highest "good day" to "bad day" ratio of the 30 cities in the United States with the biggest populations; Louisville has the lowest.