The volume of tweets by major brands increased 11%, on average, between 4Q13 and 4Q14, according to a recent report from Simply Measured.
The report was based on the 4Q14 Twitter activity of companies on the Interbrand 2014 Best 100 Global Brands list (145,828 tweets from 98 brands).
The percentage of top brands that tweet at least once a day increased from 92% in 4Q13 to 95% in 4Q14, and the total number of followers for the brands analyzed increased 38% year over year, the analysis found.
Most impressively, per-post engagement (favorites, retweets, replies, etc.) increased 85% year over year.
Below, additional key findings and benchmarks from the report.
- 82% of brands tweeted 1-6 times per day in 4Q14, excluding @replies and retweets.
- Only 6% of brands tweeted 10+ times per day, excluding @replies and retweets.