Total US retail e-commerce spending for the first 44 days of the November-December 2012 holiday season reached $33.8 billion, up 13% over the corresponding days in 2011, according to a report by comScore.
For the 2012 holiday season to date, 11 individual days have surpassed $1 billion in online retail sales, already surpassing the record of 10 shopping days in 2011.
During the five-day workweek ended December 14, four individual days eclipsed $1 billion in spending, led by Green Monday with $1.275 billion.

Cyber Monday (Nov. 26, 2012) currently ranks as the heaviest online spending day of the season—and in history—at $1.465 billion. Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2012 was second with $1.362 billion, followed by Monday, Dec. 10, 2012 (Green Monday) with $1.275 billion, Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2012 with $1.263 billion, and Monday, Nov. 28, 2011 (Cyber Monday 2011) with $1.251 billion.

"This past workweek saw four days surpass the billion dollar spending threshold during the heaviest five-day online shopping period on record," said comScore Chairman Gian Fulgoni. "With this most recent week in the books, the peak spending period may now be in our rear-view-mirror—but the online holiday shopping season is not over yet."
"For the season-to-date, the growth rate based on corresponding days last year is 13%. But, with two extra shopping days between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year, we still expect that the full season will realize a growth rate well north of 13%," Fulgoni added.