Despite the rapid growth of Pinterest, some 44% of ad and marketing executives surveyed say they have no interest in using the social networking site for business purposes, according to a new survey by The Creative Group.
Only 7% of ad and marketing execs say they now use the image-driven social site for business purposes, and another 10% say they plan to do so in the future.

Nearly one in five ad and marketing execs (18%) haven't heard about Pinterest.
However, Pinterest adoption does vary by organization type and size.
Among ad execs working at agencies with more than 100 employees, 24% report using Pinterest as part of the marketing mix, and another 6% say they plan to create an account, according to the survey.
Traffic Stats
Traffic to Pinterest reached 21.2 million unique visitors users in July 2012, according to data from Compete. That's up from 11.0 million visitors six months earlier, and up from 1.2 million in July 2011, an average monthly growth rate of 30.4% over the 12-month period:

By contrast, Facebook attracted 160.3 million users in July, while LinkedIn attracted 25.2 million, according to Compete.
About the data: Findings are based on more than 500 telephone interviews—roughly 375 with marketing executives randomly selected from companies with 100+ employees and 125 with advertising executives randomly selected from agencies with 20+ employees, in May 2012.