Though more than two-thirds (68%) of surveyed Internet users say they use Facebook, only 21% have "liked" a branded page on Facebook, whereas more than one-third have given a thumbs up to other Facebook content* such as wall posts (36%), pictures (37%), and comments (37%), according to a survey from Crowd Science.
More than one-quarter of surveyed Internet users say they have "liked" video content on Facebook, while nearly one in five (19%) say they have not clicked the "like" button.**
Nearly one-third of Internet users surveyed (32%) say they don't use Facebook.
Below, additional findings from a survey conducted by Crowd Science.
Those who "like" branded pages skew younger: 27% of Internet users age 18-34 say they "like" branded pages, compared with 18% of those age 45-64 and 9% of those age 65+.
People with higher education levels use Facebook and the "Like" button less:
- 40% of those more with an advanced (graduate) degree say they don't use Facebook, compared with 27% of those with a high school education or less and 29% of those with some post-secondary education.
- 25% of those with graduate degrees say they use Facebook but don't use the Like button, compared with 16% of those with some post-secondary education and 20% of those with a high school education or less.