The adoption of Web-to-TV viewing is in its early stages but is slowly gaining market traction: 24% of US households have a television connected to the Internet, and the most popular types of connections are via videogame consoles, Blue-Ray systems, and Internet TVs, according to a survey from Leichtman Research Group.
But traditional television is still a mainstay of most households—contrary to speculation that alternative (e.g., Internet TV) viewing will soon displace cable or satellite TV.
Among households with a TV connected to the Internet, 20% are using a videogame system, 8% have a Web-connected TV set, and 6% use a Blu-Ray player with Internet capabilities (some households are connected to one or more of such devices).
Although Internet connectivity is becoming a common built-in feature in electronics devices, consumers are just beginning to use the capability to watch video online: Just 1% of all online adults watch video from the Internet via TV on a daily basis, and 5% watch it weekly.
Such use is skewed toward a young and male demographic: 16% of men age 18-34 watch online video via TV on a weekly basis.
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