Across all major search engines, the top 10 search terms containing "Haiti relief" accounted for nearly half of the 679 search terms containing "Haiti relief," which itself was the top term, accounting for 12.16% of searches for the four weeks ended January 23, 2010, according to Hitwise Search Intelligence.
Looking for solid, substantiated information about search engine marketing from the industry's best resources? The 84-page Search Engine Marketing Factbook featuring 55 charts provides data on who is using search engines and how, as well as data on keywords, clicks, and paid search metrics. This search-related factbook consists of chapters 1 & 3 from the larger Digital Marketing Factbook a 144-page compilation of data and 110 charts that also covers email marketing and social media.
Doctors Without Borders Website a Fast Mover
The Doctors Without Borders website moved up 152,878 positions among all websites visited by US Internet users during the week ended January 16, 2010, to rank No. 4931 overall and No. 8 in the Humanitarian industry, according to Hitwise North America.