The fall TV season premieres attracted record online viewership in September, with nearly 26 billion videos delivered to 168 million US Internet users during the month, according to comScore.
Google maintained its position as the highest-ranked video property, delivering nearly 10.5 billion videos and accounting for 40% of videos viewed. accounted for 99% of videos viewed at Google sites. Ranked second, Hulu accounted for 2.2%––with 583 million videos delivered.

Top 10 Video Content Properties by Viewers
Among the Top 10 by number of unique viewers, TV networks' video properties gained ground [How so? The chart doesn't show growth from one period to another, so we don't know that's the case. In general, there usually is no need to significantly rewrite comScore press releases; they have the basics down pat.], including those of Fox Interactive, CBS, Viacom, Hulu, NBC and Turner.

Top Video Ad Networks by Potential Reach
Ranked by potential reach, Tremor Media was the nation's top video ad network, with 43.3% of the viewing audience and a potential reach of nearly 73 million viewers. YuMe video was second––with viewer penetration of 39.4% and a potential reach of 66 million viewers. Broadband Enterprises (BBE) was a close third, with viewer penetration of 37.5% and 63 million viewers.

Other key findings for September:
- 84.8% of the total US Internet audience viewed online video.
- On average, each online video viewer watched 9.8 hours of video.
- 125.5 million viewers watched nearly 10.3 billion videos on (82.4 videos per viewer).
- 45.6 million viewers watched 424 million videos on (9.3 videos per viewer).
- On average, each Hulu viewer watched 15.1 videos, totaling 1 hour and 32 minutes of video per viewer.
- The average duration of online videos was 3.8 minutes.