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In 2023, nearly half of all marketing agencies faced revenue declines, and many struggled to attract new clients because of economic uncertainty.

As economic uncertainty continues into Q4 of 2024 and likely into 2025, marketing agencies must adapt to survive and thrive in a challenging environment where all clients are pinching pennies and tracking ROI with every advertising dollar.

Here are three essential ways to help your marketing agency to reverse the declining-revenue trend by focusing on three specific action items.

1. Optimize COGS to under 35% by streamlining fulfillment

One of the most impactful ways to maximize profit and stay afloat in difficult times is by optimizing your agency's cost of goods sold (COGS) to below 35%.

If you can spend less to get your deliverables to your clients without compromising on the results you deliver to clients, then you'll be able to control your agency's destiny regardless of the economy.

To begin, you must meticulously examine your fulfillment processes to uncover inefficiencies that are quietly eroding your profit margins.

Let's break down the process:

  1. Create a detailed process map. Begin by mapping out every step involved in your fulfillment process using a tool like Lucidchart. Such a visual representation helps you and your team understand the ideal workflow, identify potential bottlenecks, and ensure every task is accounted for. A process map is the foundation for making informed decisions about where you can reduce costs by improving efficiency.
  2. Assign estimated times. Once the process map is complete, assign an estimated time for each step. Doing so helps set a benchmark for how long tasks should take, enabling you to identify where inefficiencies might be lurking. For instance, if a particular task is estimated to take one hour but consistently takes three, you've found a huge area for improvement that will end up saving you time and money.
  3. Compare estimates with actual data. It's crucial to compare your estimates with real-world data. Use time-tracking tools to gather accurate information on how long each task actually takes. That data-driven approach allows you to identify discrepancies between expected and actual performance, providing insights into where your processes are breaking down.
  4. Use AI tools for efficiency. To address inefficiencies, consider integrating AI tools into your workflow. For example, ChatGPT can assist with copywriting or code review, Midjourney or Canva AI can expedite design tasks, and or Descript can streamline video content creation. Though AI will not deliver a 100% finished product, it can significantly reduce the time required to complete deliverables. Even a 25% reduction in time spent on tasks can boost your team's productivity 25%, translating into substantial cost savings over time.
  5. Continually improve. Process optimization isn't a one-time task. Regularly revisit your process map, time estimates, and tracking data to ensure your agency continues to operate at peak efficiency. Small, incremental improvements can accumulate over time, leading to significant gains in profitability and client satisfaction.

2. Prove ROI to retain budget-conscious clients

In today's economy, proving ROI is no longer optional, which is why so many branding agencies are struggling right now. As budgets tighten, clients are more focused than ever on ensuring their advertising spend directly contributes to their bottom line.

Even though proving attribution is a constant struggle, it is your agency's ability to demonstrate clear, measurable results that will determine whether you retain a client or you are replaced by a competitor.

  • Implement robust tracking systems. The first step in proving ROI is to implement tracking systems that provide clear data on the effectiveness of your campaigns. That includes monitoring KPIs such as cost per lead, conversion rates, customer acquisition costs, and overall return on ad spend. It is your responsibility to know these metrics even better than your customers.
  • Deliver transparent reporting. Regular, transparent reporting is vital to building and maintaining trust with your clients. Create reports that clearly outline the results of your marketing efforts, linking specific activities to tangible outcomes, such as increased leads and sales.
  • Use data to drive decisions. Beyond reporting, use the data you collect to drive strategic decisions. If certain campaigns or channels are underperforming, make data-backed recommendations for adjustments. Clients want to see that you're not just executing campaigns but also continually optimizing them to achieve the best possible results.
  • Educate clients on ROI metrics. Not all clients will be familiar with the nuances of marketing metrics. Take the time to educate them on the importance of various KPIs and the ways they relate to clients' overall business goals. You are as much an adviser and educator as you are a marketer.

3. Strengthen client relationships through personalized engagement

Although technology and ROI are essential, you can't overlook the impact of building strong, legitimate relationships with your clients.

Let's be real: Most likely there are dozens of other marketing agencies that can do exactly what you do and often cheaper than what you charge. However, do not underestimate how much clients will value working with someone they trust.

Strong, personalized relationships with your clients are more important than ever; they are the foundation of long-term client loyalty.

  • Prioritize live communication. Email and digital communication have their place, but nothing beats live, real-time interaction. Prioritize regular video calls or, even better, in-person meetings with your clients. Live interactions allow you to build rapport, understand their needs on a deeper level, and demonstrate your commitment to their success.
  • Invest in client experiences. Go the extra mile for your key clients by investing in their experience with your agency. That might mean flying out to meet them, hosting them at your office, or inviting them to special events. Such gestures not only show that you value their business but also help build a stronger, more personal connection.
  • Be human in your approach. Beyond formal meetings, make an effort to understand your clients as PEOPLE. Learn about their personal interests and aspirations, and show genuine interest in their well-being and success. Be there to support them, especially when it's not directly related to your business. That level of care and attention can set your agency apart in a crowded market... Plus, it's the right thing to do.

* * *

The rest of 2024, and most likely the majority of 2025, will be marked with challenges. However, survival and success will come to those who can adapt and get back to the foundation of business: delivering value and maintaining strong relationships.

By optimizing COGS, proving ROI, and prioritizing personalized client engagement, agencies can both reverse revenue and profit declines and position themselves for long-term success when the dust settles.

More Resources on Marketing Agencies

The Gap Between Marketing Agency Confidence and Client Satisfaction

Top 5 Marketing Agency Metrics to Measure

The Four Benchmarks of an Agency's Life Cycle—And How to Profit From Them

The Business Outlook for Marketing Agencies in 2024

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Reversing the Revenue Decline: Three Crucial Steps for Marketing Agencies in 2024

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image of Chris Martinez

Chris Martinez is the CEO and co-founder of Bloom, a management consulting firm helping marketing agencies increase profit, maximize valuation, and reach their potential. Reach Chris at

LinkedIn: Chris Martinez