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Lead generation is critical for the success of B2B businesses, in particular. A consistent flow of high-quality leads drives growth and revenue.

However, all lead channels, including lead-generation forms, require ongoing monitoring and maintenance to ensure optimal performance to capture every potential lead.

A broken form prevents visitors from submitting their information. It interrupts the lead generation process, and it causes potential customers to abandon the website.

What's a Lead Generation Form? And Why Are Forms So Important?

A lead generation form collects contact information and other relevant data (as defined by you, the marketers) from website visitors.

Some websites offer something in exchange for completing the form, like a free e-book or demo, to encourage users to fill out the form.

Forms can collect visitor data, qualify leads, and convert website visitors into potential customers.

Among the top benefits of online forms:

  1. Forms gather information about website visitors, such as name, email, company, and job title.
  2. Forms can qualify leads based on specific criteria you define.
  3. Forms serve as a clear call to action (CTA) that encourages visitors to take the next step.
  4. Forms enable segmenting the audience into groups with shared interests.

Accordingly, forms contribute to the success of marketing campaigns. They allow marketing professionals to personalize their campaigns and suggest targeted offers.

What Fields Should Your Lead Generation Form Have?

The fields of your lead generation form depend on the nature of your business and target audience. Here are some common fields:

  1. Contact information: Name, email address, and phone number (often optional)
  2. Company information: Company name, company size, and industry
  3. Demographic information: Job title and department

What Makes a Good Lead Gen Form?

A good lead generation form converts visitors into leads. Ultimately, the purpose of incorporating lead generation forms into websites is to achieve that conversion.

Here are key elements or traits of a good lead generation form.

Simplicity Is Key

Keep your forms simple and avoid overwhelming users with unnecessary information:

  1. Focus on essential fields that impact your sales process.
  2. Remove unnecessary fields that don't provide valuable information.
  3. Use clear language for labels and instructions.
  4. Aim for a form with no more than 5-7 fields.
  5. Test different form lengths to find the optimal balance.

Design for All Users

Online users come from different backgrounds and have different preferences. Your forms must be as universal as possible to ensure a pleasant experience for all website visitors:

  1. Consider accessibility features, such as clear fonts and sufficient contrast.
  2. Ensure the form is responsive and displays correctly on different devices.
  3. Test the form with users with disabilities to gather feedback.
  4. Provide alternative input methods, such as dropdowns or radio buttons.
  5. Include clear error messages to guide users if they make mistakes.

Strategic Placement of Forms on the Website

Offer your form as a clear next step after valuable content or when user intent is high:

  1. Identify high-traffic pages and content with high user engagement.
  2. Integrate forms into the user journey.
  3. Test different form placement options to find the best location.
  4. Offer valuable content in exchange for completing the form.
  5. Consider using popups or exit-intent forms strategically.

Optimized for Mobile

Use larger buttons, enough spacing, and a vertical layout for optimal usability on smaller screens:

  1. Create a mobile-friendly form.
  2. Focus on essential fields for a quicker mobile experience.
  3. Test the form on different mobile devices and screen sizes.
  4. Use a vertical layout for better readability on smaller screens.
  5. Avoid complex form elements that might be difficult to use on mobile.

Clear Call to Action

Communicate the benefits of completing the form and what the user will receive. Make the button visually clear and easy to find.

  1. Use strong verbs like "Submit," "Download," or "Get Started."
  2. Create a sense of urgency or scarcity if appropriate for your offer.
  3. Highlight the CTA button with color and contrast.
  4. Test different button colors, sizes, and placements to optimize conversions.
  5. Promise clear benefits or value in the CTA text.


Slow forms frustrate users and increase abandonment rates.

  1. Optimize images for faster loading times.
  2. Minimize HTTP requests and unnecessary scripts.
  3. Utilize content delivery networks (CDNs) to improve load speeds.
  4. Prioritize above-the-fold form elements for faster initial rendering.
  5. Test loading times on different devices and internet connections.

Auto-Fill Capability

Integrate auto-fill functionality to save users time and effort. This feature improves the user experience and encourages form completion, especially on mobile devices.

  1. Integrate auto-fill functionality for standard fields like name, email, and address.
  2. Store user data to avoid re-entering information.
  3. Offer options for users to save their information for future visits.
  4. Test form compatibility with different browsers.
  5. Educate users about the benefits of auto-fill for a smoother experience.

Why Do You Need to Monitor Your Forms?

Monitoring your forms is important to optimize lead generation and conversion rates. You can identify issues, improve user experience, and make data-driven decisions by tracking form performance.

  1. Broken forms, slow load times, or confusing fields can deter potential leads.
  2. A/B-testing form variations helps determine the most effective design and content.
  3. Analyzing submitted data can help you refine lead qualification criteria.
  4. Tracking form conversions helps assess the effectiveness of your lead-generation efforts.

How Much Can a Broken Form Cost Your Business?

The cost of a broken form is beyond what you might think at first. Here are some potential consequences:

  1. Every broken form represents a potential customer who couldn't complete their desired action (purchase, subscribe, contact).
  2. Acquiring new customers is often expensive. A broken form can waste marketing spend by driving traffic to a nonfunctional page.
  3. Frustrated users are more likely to share their bad experiences with others.
  4. Users encountering issues with the form may contact customer support, adding to operational costs.
  5. Customers with a negative experience as a consequence of a broken form are likelier to switch to competitors.

* * *

A well-designed form is a powerful tool for building your customer base and driving business growth.

Creating a high-converting lead generation form requires careful attention to simplicity, design, placement, and mobile optimization. Businesses can improve lead capture and conversion rates by focusing on those key areas.

More Resources on Marketing Form Best-Practices

Six Building Blocks of a High-Converting Lead Generation Form

Surveys, Polls, Forms, and Progressive Profiling: How to Write Questions That Deliver Valuable Insights

How to Use an Exit-Popup Strategy to Grow Your Email List (Without Annoying Your Readers)

Put It to Work: Lead Magnet Sign-up Template and Tutorial

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Broken Forms Can Ruin Your Marketing: Best-Practices for B2B Lead Generation Forms

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image of Mike Hakob

Mike Hakob is a seasoned digital marketer with 15+ years of experience. He is a co-founder of FormStory and the driving force behind Andava Digital, where he has empowered small-to-midsize businesses by crafting tailor-made websites and innovative marketing strategies.

LinkedIn: Mushegh Hakobjanyan