For marketers, a mindset that puts the customer first is critical to competitive success. That's something marketers know. Yet, during day-to-day execution, that customer-centric mentality tends to get pushed aside, more so in Marketing than in other, client-facing parts of the business, such as Sales and Customer Support.
It happens easily, even to the best of us.
With so much going on in our pipelines at any one moment—from lead gen campaigns, events, new product launches, and more—marketers can't help but get caught up in the weeds of project execution. We run fast, focusing on what needs to get done now; in those moments, the customer-oriented mindset is important, but not mission-critical. Or so it seems.
The truth is that a customer-oriented mindset is necessary for our marketing to be successful. It helps campaigns resonate with prospects and customers, leading to more sales and enhanced client satisfaction and engagement. Those results benefit everyone, and taken together they can offer a powerful differentiator from your competition.
So how can busy marketers implement a customer-oriented mindset? Here are five ways.
1. Get to know the real people behind your personas
Once prospects become clients, the tendency is to "set and forget," or to treat them as personas that don't evolve. The risk of not listening to clients and their needs is that you then operate in the dark, on the basis of on an outdated persona. Not to mention that you miss an opportunity to validate who they actually are.
Avoid that trap by interacting with your customers as real people rather than labeling them into personas or categories. Customer focus groups can help you understand what clients need and which messages resonate best—whether that's regarding awareness of new product features or reasons to buy again.
2. Don't overlook the value of human connection
Business, at its core, is still a human engagement: People ultimately buy from other people, and connections matter. At Act-On Software, we heard from an organization that their people connected so well with our salesperson, they had to ask themselves whether they were making their choice based on him or on our product!
It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and lose sight of the people you interact with. Take the opportunity for in-person meetings and phone calls whenever you can and when it makes sense to do so. Make the effort to build pathways for human connection, which is, after all, the goal of marketing.
3. Use technology strategically by keeping the customer first
People gravitate to what feels authentic, and so the more personalized a correspondence... the better. Achieving a high level of personalization, however, is more easily said than done; it takes time and effort, and a business has only so much capacity.