Leverages a proprietary coaching framework...purposeful investments in human capital...aligning people and systems in pursuit of...

Why do people write like that?

The following example dramatizes the absurdity of such noncommunication:

"Bob" runs a consulting and training business that helps entrepreneurs, business owners, and managers become more effective leaders. He's going over a few details with his new receptionist when a sharp-dressed man (any ZZ Top fans out there?) in a suit and tie walks in.

Bob looks up, smiles, and says, "Good afternoon, Sir. How can I help you?

The man replies, "Sir, I'm a business owner, and I've been searching for a good consulting firm that focuses on leadership issues. I was in this building for a meeting with my accountant, and when I walked by your office and saw the name of your business... well, something just clicked with me. Got a few minutes to talk?"

Bob shows Mr. Sharp-Dressed Man to his office, and they both take a seat.

"So," the man asks, "can you tell me exactly what it is that Leader Coaching does?"

"Sure," Bob says, "I'd be happy to tell you about us."

"Leader Coaching leverages a proprietary coaching framework, proven over years of practical application and success, to collaborate with clients in pursuit of shared goals."

As a confused look washes over the prospect's face, Bob attempts to "clarify" his answer:
"In other words, Sir, Leader Coaching's services meet the expectations of business leaders who recognize the value of purposeful investments in human capital—often beginning with themselves—as a means of preparing and aligning people and systems in pursuit of growth."

At that, Mr. Sharp Dressed Man says, "O...K. Well, um... thanks. I... uh... I'll... I'll keep that in mind." And he leaves, never to be heard from again.

Can you blame him?

Don't Succumb to the Disease of "Corporatese"

"Leverages a proprietary coaching framework"? "Purposeful investments in human capital"? Aligning people and systems in pursuit"? Say what?

Can you imagine ever talking to a client or prospect in that manner? No, of course not. And nor would you put such gibberish on your website. (You wouldn't, would you?)

Yet, save for the first four words of the second quote, all the highlighted copy was taken, verbatim, from an active website written almost entirely in "corporatese." (I've changed the company name to protect the guilty.)

Corporatese, as you might expect, is the collective term for the jargon, phrases, and fad words many writers use to make their communications and businesses seem more substantial and important. (Not!)

Those who write in corporatese love a paradigm, whether it's new, shifting, or otherwise. And they would never think of simply using something when they can leverage it.

Those who write in corporatese are really into activities such as aligning people—or should it be aligning human capital?

One would think you get major corporatese points for using—oops, leveraging—the phrase aligning human capital. (What a warm, fuzzy term. Who among us does not enjoy being referred to as human capital?)

For sure, human capital has been overwhelmingly embraced by the corporatese-speaking community, with more than three times the number of search-engine results for even paradigm shift.

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Why Do People Write Like That? (And How You Can Avoid Doing the Same)

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image of Ernest Nicastro

Ernest Nicastro is an award-winning B-to-B freelance copywriter who is also equally adept at crafting B-to-C content. For more information, and to review samples of his work, visit Positive Response.

LinkedIn: Ernest Nicastro

Twitter: @enicastro