During challenging economic times, buyers look for value. The more value you provide, the more likely you are to become the provider of choice.

Presentations offer you excellent opportunities to provide that value at different stages of the sales cycle. Here are five ways to create more value in your presentations.

1. Solve a problem instead of peddling programs

People know when they're being sold to, and it makes them uncomfortable.

Prospects invest their time in attending or listening to a presentation because they believe it will benefit them in some way. They don't attend to hear a thinly veiled sales presentation. Violating those expectations by promising one thing and delivering another constitutes a bait and switch that quickly turns prospects off.

Prove to them they've made a wise investment by making your focus education, and you'll find a more receptive audience. When you can solve a problem or remove some pain, you're positioned as a resource instead of a vendor.

The problem you address should resonate with the audience's experience. That means some analysis is required as you prepare the presentation.

What are some of the questions your target market asks most often? What are the three biggest challenges they regularly face in their businesses? What are the top mistakes people in similar situations make?

When you have the opportunity to survey the audience in advance, you can further customize your message. Use an online survey tool such as Zoomerang or SurveyMonkey.com to find what issues are of greatest concern.

Incorporate the research in your presentation with a statement such as "More than 65% of you reported that your greatest concern  during the current economic climate is retaining your customer base." Your solution to the problem should be immediately actionable.

2. Provide value-based marketing materials

The typical presenter hands out colorful brochures, slick flyers, and glossy postcards about the presenter and the services offered. Those materials provide no value to the audience. Even when taken out of courtesy, they're usually quickly disposed of.

Instead, distribute whitepapers, special reports, checklists, and tips booklets. They serve as resources the audience will use and keep. They also provide top-of-mind awareness after the presentation.

One of the pieces I circulate includes a four-page resource guide on creating and using visuals. It contains step-by-step instructions on how to create effective visuals, examples of different types of charts, and an article on how to avoid the most-common errors with PowerPoint presentations. I've seen it in clients' offices five years after they received it.

You add value through such collaterals when the information helps the audience save money, increase their available time, or perform a task more efficiently.

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Five Ways to Create More Value in Your Presentations

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Joseph Sommerville, PhD (sommerville@peakcp.com) is president of Peak Communication Performance (www.peakcp.com) and author of Rainmaking Presentations: How To Grow Your Business by Leveraging Your Expertise, the first chapter of which is available at www.rainmakingpresentations.com.