The art of aligning your strategic objectives with the needs within your clickstream is critical to targeting your message and converting those people who are the best fits for your offering.
The toughest challenge is to map your strategic needs to meaningful desires within the hearts and minds of your target.
You don’t want to ask questions. Question-askers are internally focused. People are suspicious of questions. There is no self-interest served by answering. You seldom see honest answers because there’s no motivation to provide them.
You want to offer alternatives. People who offer are externally focused. People like to choose between alternatives and exercise their self-interest. That choice indicates an explicit preference that lets you hone your message and maximize conversion.
If you ask what someone’s favorite color is—blue, green or orange—you’ll get a few, unreliable answers. If you offer three flavors of ice cream—blueberry, pistachio and tangerine—you’ll actually learn something.
Directed segmentation gains reliable insight on 60% to 80% of all respondents while giving you a much better chance of converting them. That’s using directed segmentation to find and speak to the best people.