According to conventional business wisdom, companies should abandon efforts to acquire new customers during an economic downturn and focus instead on their best customers. The primary benefits of doing so are cost reduction and improved customer loyalty, we are told.

The problem with this approach is that we are not in conventional times.

Customer loyalty is fickle

Before Google, most people shopped with catalogs and in local stores. Today, the world is at shoppers' fingertips. Anything that you sell can be found somewhere else, probably at a lower price. Even if you have delivered perfect service, your customers will occasionally stray. They may test the waters and quickly return, but your revenue is still reduced. Ignoring opportunities to acquire new customers during these turbulent times is suicidal.

Fortunately, the same technology that expands your customers' horizons works for you, too. The Internet has evolved into a social network filled with opportunities to attract new customers and engage the ones you already have.

Of course, risk comes with every opportunity. Since the entry fee is minimal, using social media to grow your business doesn't require a significant financial investment. But don't be misled by the perception that it is risk-free. The risk is customer and brand alienation. If you make a major misstep, your company could suffer irreparable harm.

Before you enter the relatively new frontier of social media, you need an action plan. Although the costs are low, social media tools require extensive maintenance to be effective. Your strategy needs to fit your corporate culture, resources, and customer expectations.

Twitter is probably the best place to test the social-media waters to see if it is right for your company.

What is Twitter?

If you haven't seen one of the thousands of stories about Twitter, here is a short description: Twitter is a micro-blogging site that allows you to post mini-messages called tweets.

The heading on the message-entry form in Twitter is "What are you doing?" That question is deceptive. No one really cares what you are doing unless it is really interesting. Instead, use Twitter as a communication and conversation tool.

And remember that Twitter is not an advertising medium. Posting one marketing message after another isn't effective. It doesn't attract prospects or engage customers. If you are not going to use it to establish relationships, stay away—far, far, away.

Why should you use it?

Twitter is the fastest-growing social-media site, with an estimated 14 million unique visitors in March 2009, compared with 2.6 million when I joined, in August 2008. (Source: Compete, Inc.) Wouldn't you love to have that growth rate? Most of the users are age 25-54, with the largest segment the 45-54 age group. (Source: comScore Media Metrix)

Twitter is a media darling today. People join it out of curiosity. Most stay because it is informative and fun. The growth and activity provide an opportunity for you to get your message out to customers and prospects. In a year or two, Twitter may follow MySpace and lose some popularity. Until then (if it happens), use it to grow your business and customer loyalty.

How do you use it?

You need a plan, because building a following requires a consistent message and continual updates. If you are not actively tweeting, your base won't grow. You'll be talking to yourself.

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image of Debra Ellis
Debra Ellis is a speaker, consultant, and author of the integrated marketing guide Social Media 4 Direct Marketers. She is the founder of Wilson & Ellis Consulting ( and can be reached via