There's nothing we love more than solutions—top-notch insights from top-of-the-line experts that help solve common marketing problems. Here's this week's solution, featuring SAS, which offers us a solution to the following problem: How does Marketing convince the CEO that it's time to embrace social media?

Expert: David B. Thomas, Social Media Manager, SAS

Dave has been active in social media since 1994, when he joined his first Internet forum. He is a key member of the Program Advisory Committee for MarketingProfs' B2B Forum scheduled for May 4-5, 2010 in Boston.

Problem: "Oh, Yeah? Tell That to My Boss!"

You know your company is being left behind because you don't have a social-media presence online. But you find your biggest obstacle is in-house: How do you convince your boss it's time to go social?


Dave offers the following crucial steps for initiating your organization's nonbelievers into the power of social media.

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Claire Coyne is a writer and editor for MarketingProfs. Reach her via