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So you've heard that Twitter is a great tool for connecting with customers in ways that haven't been previously possible. But you still don't get it, right?

As Steven Berlin Johnson wrote in his Time Magazine cover story on Twitter in June, "The one thing you can say for certain about Twitter is that it makes a terrible first impression." The service allows you to send 140-character updates to your "followers," he writes, "and you think, Why does the world need this, exactly?"

Not only doesn't it make obvious sense, but it's also marked by protocols and terms that can be perplexing to anyone new to Twitter. With a hat tip to Forrester's Jeremiah Owyang for inspiration, below is a comprehensive field guide to Twitter for business.

1. What is Twitter?

Twitter is a free social-messaging tool for staying connected in real-time. It is sometimes called a "micro-blogging service" that enables its users to send and read other users' short (140-character) updates, known as tweets.

2. I don't get it... What's the value?

Twitter by itself makes little sense. Its real value comes in following others and having them follow you. When you are connected to people you know or want to know, or with whom you have something in common, the platform can offer a rich experience.

3. Why does everyone talk about what they ate for lunch?

The flexibility and openness of Twitter sometimes makes for inane conversation and comment. But answering the Twitter question "What are you doing now?" isn't necessarily the most effective way to use the tool. Instead, answer the question, "What's important to me?" or (better yet) "What's important to my followers?" Also... engage in dialog, ask questions, and using the reply feature answer the questions of others.

4. Why is Twitter 140 Characters?

Twitter integrates well with mobile devices, and 140 characters is the size limit of mobile text messages using SMS.

5. So Twitter is just a communications tool?

Yes, Twitter is a communications tool. But sharing information on Twitter means engaging in dialogue, and from that perspective Twitter becomes a source for creating a unique online community for your organization. It's "unique" because as an organization you determine whom you follow on Twitter and who you want to follow you back.

6. How do I find people to follow that might like my product/service?

With Twitter's "Find People" function you can search by name, word (think about your SEO terms), location name, and more. Other great tools:

  • Twellow: The Twitter Yellow Pages
  • Mr. Tweet: Beware of the tweet they send, it's a bit spammy.
  • #Hashtags: Great for following up on and keeping track of conversations.

7. What are retweets and hashtags? How can I use them?

A retweet (RT) is like forwarding an email. Because not everyone has the same community (followers) on Twitter, retweeting a tweet spreads that shared information across multiple communities. Hashtags are used to keep track of conversations that are happening within Twitter.

8. How do I reply to a Tweet?

When you see someone's tweet, there's a small "arrow" next to their tweet. If you feel like responding to them, click that arrow and it will automatically load their name into the text box. Type your answer in 140 characters and submit. Using the reply feature will make conversations easier to track and find.

9. What's a "DM"?

DM stands for "direct messages." One person can privately message another person by using the DM messaging system. You can DM only users who are following you. You may hear individuals say "DM me for details about [whatever]," suggesting the user wants to take the discussion private.

10. What does "RT" or "Retweet" mean?

One of the greatest aspects of Twitter is how quickly word-of-mouth spreads globally. If a user thinks another user's tweet is interesting, she or he may choose to repeat, or "retweet," or "RT," what that person says.

11. Do I need to respond to everyone who sends me a tweet?

If someone is speaking directly to you, not responding is akin to ignoring someone. If someone retweets your tweet, saying thank you is a nice thing to do. Again, there's no perfect answer here, but keep Emily Post in mind.

12. How can I tell whether someone is talking about my industry on Twitter?

One easy way is to use the search function within Twitter or use Twitter Search ( to search on your company name, employee names, product names, and your SEO keywords. The search function within Twitter allows you to save your searches, and Twitter Search provides an RSS feature that allows you to save searches right your favorite reader.

13. Why aren't people following my Twitter account?

Well... ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Am I talking more than listening?
  2. Am I taking more than sharing?
  3. Have I given the community enough time to embrace my organization?
  4. Am I following a lot of people each day?
  5. Am I engaging people in conversation?
  6. Am I sharing valuable industry or educational information?

If you've answered "yes" to question 1 or 2, or "no" to any of the rest, you probably aren't engaging at a level the community expects.

14. Do I have to say anything? Can I just listen?

Yes. Engaging on Twitter doesn't mean just talking. It means listening, too, and monitoring Twitter for mentions of your brand or industry. A great tool for listening is Twitter Search.

15. Can anyone read my Tweets? Will Google index them?

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Beth Harte is the Community Manager for MarketingProfs.
image of Ann Handley

Ann Handley is a Wall Street Journal best-selling author who recently published Everybody Writes 2. She speaks worldwide about how businesses can escape marketing mediocrity to ignite tangible results. IBM named her one of the 7 people shaping modern marketing. Ann is the Chief Content Officer of MarketingProfs, a LinkedIn Influencer, a keynote speaker, mom, dog person, and writer.